Saturday, August 27, 2005

Make others look good (in business)

I have recently seen a few people talking about much the same concept in a number of different ways - Make Others Look Good.

That link is talking mainly about making other people look good in general - and I think this is an admirable aim. Richard Denny, who we have been working with recently says a similar thing in his books - his version is more business-focussed (though it applies to life outside work as well) - that you should try to make your business contacts look good, introduce them to useful people and even sell for them (or at least create selling opportunities) without expecting anything in return.

What goes around comes around

Although you expect nothing in return, it is rare that you go unrewarded. In the vast majority of cases, you gain. Whether it be by expanding your network, making one of your customers happy by solving another of his problems, or through the more obvious route that the person you went out of your way to help comes back and helps you.

We have mentioned before that we are working very closely with Creative Cattle, the central London photography and design studio. Recently we have been unashamedly talking them up (not beyond their abilities though - if you want to see for yourself, check out some of their digital retouching work). We work very closely with Creative Cattle and recommending them does us all kinds of indirect good:

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