Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Google Adwords Seminar

I should probably have written about this before it happened to publicise it as well as doing a write-up. Oh well - been too busy. We ran a very successful first seminar last week (Tuesday 27th June) on the subject of Google Adwords.

The idea was to give small businesses a guide to the basics of setting up and running an account and advertising their website through Google. We get asked quite a lot about ways of driving more traffic to websites and this was a way of giving people some of the tools they need.

Our next seminar is going to be on Tuesday 12th September on the subject of getting your site in the search engines - aiming to give people access to the basics of search engine optimisation.

We got over 30 people to our first seminar which we were very happy with and the people who came enjoyed themselves - probably helped by the combination of food and drink that was included in the price. We have made the materials and a couple of photos available online if anyone is interested.

Incidentally, lots of sites have been going live and we should have been 'bigging them up' here but that's been the kind of thing that has been languishing un-done on my todo list recently. I need to get my act in gear.

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