A use for the digital camera on your mobile phone
I've never really used the digital camera on my mobile phone despite having one on both my last phone (a Sony Ericsson whose user interface I hated) and my Nokia 6630.
Marketing - a challenge
We have deliberately started WandD on a shoestring budget and, while we're confident that our products and services can bring many benefits to small businesses in particular, we are constantly trying to think of new ways to make them aware of what we do.
Local is key
To start off with, we are focussing strongly on our local area in South West London. This brings benefits to us and our clients - we save costs by being able to visit them regularly and quickly and they gain through having us nearby when they need help or advice.
Shops, restaurants and many other companies have premises that make it easy to drop in and talk to the owner about their online strategy, but so many businesses don't have this kind of presence.
Using the camera
Recently, I have started taking pictures of advertising hoardings, delivery vans and other displays of business contact details in order to check out their online presence when I get home and get in touch if I think we can offer them services that will help their business.
While there would be nothing to stop me writing down all the details, it is far quicker to take a quick snap and record the business name, multiple phone numbers, email address and URL. Finally I am convinced that there is a use for the camera on my phone.
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