Michelle Louise website launch party
Last night we had our first bona fide website launch party - for Michelle Louise, Hairdressers on Trinity Road.
Full credit to Michelle, who organised the whole thing and made sure people turned up. As well as launching her website, there was a live botox demonstration and a bunch of new services being launched.
A reporter from SW magazine was there taking pictures and gathering information - we're hoping for a website mention. It'll be interesting to see spikes in the logs from last night as well as from a write-up.
Marketing the event
As well as sending paper invitations to many of her clients, we organised an email and SMS mailshot for Michelle. Being a one-off (and an invitation to a party!) we hoped this wouldn't upset people. I was impressed with the ease with which we could automate an SMS mailshot - we used a company called 24X. I think we may well use them again.
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