Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - a decision (and some help)

I recently wrote about our decision-making process for choosing a CRM system. The same day I wrote that, I got a very helpful email from a guy at It turned out that by the time I read it, we had already made up our minds (pending the rest of our free trial going smoothly and not showing up any glaring holes in our plan) to go with Salesforce. We'd made up our minds mainly after trying the free demo a little more and attending a training course ( / sales meeting!) online. If, however, we hadn't yet have made up our minds, that friendly little email would certainly have helped.

Mark Cuban recently wrote a post about keeping saved searches in your list of RSS feeds and I imagine that is how the Salesforce guys noticed when we wrote about them. It's a great tactic and one we're starting to suggest to our clients. It's a great form of pro-active customer service.

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