Plain English guides
As well as the seminars, we have been busy recently writing some documents that we hope will be useful to clients and potential clients (and other people, I suppose, though it's harder to justify writing for them as a marketing strategy!).
Our new plan for marketing is to share as much of our knowledge as we can as widely as possible. We hope that by doing this, we can get people reading the things we write and coming to our seminars. Once we are in a dialogue with people, it will hopefully become clear very quickly whether we can help their business make more money - if we can, then hopefully we are entering "no-brainer" territory for selling to them.
So after running our first seminar last week, we buckled down and finished the guides we have been writing for a while. We have grouped them under the title of Plain English guides. You can read more about the series of plain English guides on our website. The idea is that they make subjects accessible to people who had previously been put off by the technical skills needed. The guides we have written so far are:
- Plain English guide to getting your website in the search engines which aims to give people the basic skills they need to start promoting their website online by getting it to appear in the major search engines for appropriate words and phrases
- Plain English guide to Google Adwords which builds on the information we covered in our Google Adwords seminar to show people how they can advertise their website on Google
- Plain English guide to choosing a web designer which is always going to be a little bit biased, but aims to explain the technical questions that should be at the front of your mind when you are looking for a web designer to help with building a website for your business
We hope they are helpful!
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